
Companies like Pepco do not grow all by themselves. We live in an interdependent world. We have influence over our people & the environment, and we want that influence to be the best possible.

We grow, but we never stop caring. 

With the well-being of the present and future generations in mind, we want to be an agent of positive change: to protect our planet and contribute to improving the quality of life of our employees, customers, and local communities.

our areas of engagement:

better products

  • sustainable products

We consistently expand the range and availability of products which have external certifications and / or are sourced more sustainably:

> you can find products certified with OEKO-TEX, GOTS, FSC, GRS and RSC in our range

> we have organic cotton in our offer…

> and we have just joined Better Cotton

The range of sustainable products in the portfolio will continue to increase in the years to come

  • better cotton

Pepco is a proud member of Better Cotton. BC is one of the biggest organizations that helps cotton growers convert to more environmentally friendly sustainable farming methods.

Better Cotton is sourced via a chain of custody model called mass balance. This means that BC is not physically traceable to products; however, Better Cotton Farmers benefit from the demand for Better Cotton in equivalent volumes to those we source.

Until 2025, at Pepco we will be sourcing at least 25% of our cotton through Better Cotton!

greener environment

  • energy efficiency & emission reduction

Pepco is committed to increasing the energy efficiency of its operations. One of the ways we do that is by equipping all of our newly opened stores with LED lighting.

We’re also calculating our carbon footprint in all areas, and we’re currently working on a wider decarbonization strategy.

  • packaging

Pepco continues to implement its new packaging strategy devised in 2021. In 2023, it was formalized into a packaging policy and a set of sustainability-related goals were set.

By 2025, we want to reach 100% when it comes to the recyclability of product packaging and increase the number of products made from recycled raw materials up to 30%

  • carrier bags

We continue to invest in initiatives which support the reduction of plastic bag usage. Plastic carrier bags sold in Pepco stores are “EcoLoop” bags made from waste film packaging with at least 80% recycled material.

Pepco also offers a woven plastic bag alternative, which is made from 100% recycled reusable polypropylene and is Global Recycled Standard-certified, as well as reusable OEKOTEX-certified cotton bags, further encouraging customer reuse. In a number of our Western European markets, we offer paper bags as an alternative to our Ecoloop bags.

  • online brochure 

We now only use an online brochure. As a result, we have reduced our paper use by 1,900 tonnes a year!

  • transport

On the basis that a significant portion of our emissions are generated by logistics, ensuring efficient transportation is a key element of responsable energy and carbon management.

Our distribution programme is centred on growing and enhancing our DC infrastructure, which incorporates the most up-to-date technology and equipment available and enables improved route planning, fewer miles travelled and, consequently, a lower environmental impact and cost.

At Pepco c. 700 stores are served directly by three DCs, reducing transfer costs and mileage.

  • waste management

We segregate waste throughout the chain. In stores, we mostly use reusable hangers. We are also mindful of the reuse and recycling potential of our products in reducing waste.

We have undertaken an early-stage trial for the collection of used clothing in three of our Pepco stores in Italy. Through our partner, Humana People to People, the clothing collected is sorted and sent for resale in communities in Europe and Africa, both reducing waste and saving resources through reuse and providing secondhand affordable clothing. Initial results of the trial were encouraging, with over 70% of clothing collected suitable for reuse, and we are continuing to explore options to expand the trial in 2023.

valued supply chain

  • code of conduct & supplier audit

Our supply chain code of ethics defines the company’s requirements for suppliers in terms of labour standards and respect for human rights. Each factory that produces products sold by members of the Pepco group (except private labels) must undergo a practice audit. In 2022, we conducted 1,563 factory audits.

  • supplier environmental guidelines

In 2022, we developed and implemented additional environmental guidelines for our suppliers: this is a document that will help us start working with our suppliers on environmental practices in our supply chain. The guidelines cover aspects such as green energy, water resources management and waste management.

exceptional employer

  • employee engagement

We make sure that all our employees feel safe and welcomed at Pepco. We place an emphasis on well-being and diversity programmes on all the markets. One of the flagship projects is our new born welcome gift from the company for all new parents. This year, we will roll it out in all the markets.

  • diversity & inclusion policy

In operational year 2024, Pepco will introduce a new Diversity and Inclusion Policy. As part of the launch of the policy, training and support will be provided on the policy and expectations for Pepco staff alongside employee campaigns and events to raise awareness on diversity, inclusion and discrimination matters.


In social activities, we focus on the most disadvantaged youngsters.

We support their personal development and boost self-confidence, help them develop their talents and discover new passions, provide creative leisure activities, look after their mental health, and accompany them when they step into adulthood. We do this in cooperation with our community partners; this is possible thanks to the commitment of our employees.

The company sponsors all social projects with the profits from selling Charity Bears and carrier bags.

teddy bears

In the Pepco toy range, you can find a unique pair of teddy bears.

100% of profits from their sale are donated to NGOs taking care of disadvantaged children and youths.

Thanks to our customers, we can reach out with support to a greater number of beneficiaries.

employee involvement

We have always had a desire to share goodness. Several times a year, we join forces and help those in need as best we can.


Pepcolandia is a grant programme driven by the good hearts of our employees. They know best which local NGOs we should support in running projects for children.

Better Move

Better Move is a sports initiative which encourages Pepco colleagues to spend their time actively by walking, running, and cycling, in order to exchange the travelled kilometers for money and support a good cause.

Helpful Package from Pepco

Numerous aid actions are initiated by our employees during the year. In crisis situations, when immediate help is needed, and in December when families in need hope for a joyful Christmas – we go into action and prepare Pepco goods for underprivileged people.

our assistance in 2024



92 000

happy children


social partners

our CSR partners